At 17 mins the fear & terror strategy is introduced to warn JW's to keep doing more and never miss any meetings.
Anyone who is not part of the cult "God's organization" is going to be toast!
i must say there is no other religion in modern times that has lied more to their cult followers than the watchtower company and no more brain dead, gullible cult members than the jdubs.. just three examples.
when russel was in charge 1914 was prophesied to be the end of the system of things with armageddon and the earthly paradise.
that didn't happen and poof now 1914 was not the end, oh no, it was the beginning of the end.. the second example, the generation that saw 1914 would not pass away before the end came, which meant in all jdubs minds that paradise had to be here in the late 1990's.
At 17 mins the fear & terror strategy is introduced to warn JW's to keep doing more and never miss any meetings.
Anyone who is not part of the cult "God's organization" is going to be toast!
i don't see any way to comment, no matter what thread (topic) i am reading.
Welcome SWAT, I hope you have an enjoyable interchange of encouragement while you're here.
things that must shortly take place... the true understanding of the “generation” mentioned at matthew 24:34 may soon be revealed!.
please watch the one minute youtube video and read the explanation in the videos description..
Ireneus - sadly, most JW's (as most of us did!) adopt the org's perverted interpretation of what certain scriptures say, rather than what is actually written in black & white.
Jesus is recorded as saying, "Truly I say to YOU that this generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur."
He did not say "that generation", as if describing a generation 2000 years in the future; he said "this generation", pointing to his 1st century audience's generation.
And to confirm there could not be an alleged "greater fulfilment" of his prophecy, he said, "For then there will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning until now, no, nor will occur again.
"No, nor will occur again" means that it was never going to happen again.At Colossians 1:23, Paul wrote that the good news (Matt.24:14) had now been preached in all the earth.
Mr Clarke's Commentary is very informative on the whole topic of Matthew 24.
things that must shortly take place... the true understanding of the “generation” mentioned at matthew 24:34 may soon be revealed!.
please watch the one minute youtube video and read the explanation in the videos description..
Are you people 'The Watchtower'?
No - we're an independent community site offering support for both current and former Jehovah's Witnesses and anyone else who has been affected by the beliefs, doctrines and practices of the Jehovah's Witness religion as governed by the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society (WTB&TS).
We are not affiliated with the WTB&TS in any way and we take your privacy and security very seriously doing our utmost to protect your identity and provide a friendly, tolerant and informative environment where you can ask questions, share information and make new friends. Membership is completely free and anonymous so why not join today!
So much for "offering support," and being "friendly & tolerant."
Awakened and fading JW's need and are looking for such support and tolerance. Ridicule and verbal bullying are what many of us here attribute to the WTBTS.
Sadly, too many individuals here don't have the will-power to stop themselves from vilifying posts which in reality, they have zero interest or belief.
Dignify and respect (or just ignore!) other members' posts. Doing so will encourage others to join us.
this post is mainly for our new forum visitors and members.
perhaps even those who are just lurking or visiting here but have not yet signed up.
maybe you are in the initial stages of researching and finding out the earthshattering and life changing information about the religion that you once held dear and called “the truth”.. it can be a very stressful period of time as you realise that your whole foundation has changed and that the people in your life that you call friends or family may not take kindly to the things you have discovered.
Thanks for the encouraging post Stuckinarut.
I hope that anyone who feels it's fair game to jump on newbies who still profess a faith - having exited the cult - will agree with your sentiments and unconditionally welcome those who are looking for comfort and reassurance.
last sunday, our family went to the kingdom hall and i realized that this was the week that the circuit overseer was in town.
when we sat down, i noticed he came over and talked to her then he walked away i guess to talk to others.
a few minutes later, he returned to tell her that he could not talk to her because he was informed that she was disfelloshipped.
wt 15 4/15 p. 31 - "For the sake of reminding disfellowshipped ones of how they can return to Jehovah, elders may periodically visit those who have given some evidence of changing their ways."
J.W. friends/relatives would be punished for doing likewise. Some of "God's" laws don't apply to elders.
Read Animal Farm, JW's - "All men are equal, but some are more equal than others."
at matthew 28:16, the alleged "faithful slave" changes the number of people whom jesus invites, from 11 to over 500 - in order to "prove" that men, women, and children were commanded to preach.*.
3 - “jesus’ 11 faithful apostles...went to a mountain in galilee to meet the resurrected christ!....“upward of five hundred brothers” may have been present on that occasion.” (or may not!).
other disciples are there too, about 500 of them,.
Luke 10:1 - .....the Lord designated 70 others and sent them out by twos ahead of him into every city and place where he himself was to go. (preparing people to hear what Jesus himself would say - not their preaching)
Luke 10:9 - Heal the sick, and tell them, ‘The Kingdom of God is near you now.’ (NLT)Not many JW's carrying out this command.
at matthew 28:16, the alleged "faithful slave" changes the number of people whom jesus invites, from 11 to over 500 - in order to "prove" that men, women, and children were commanded to preach.*.
3 - “jesus’ 11 faithful apostles...went to a mountain in galilee to meet the resurrected christ!....“upward of five hundred brothers” may have been present on that occasion.” (or may not!).
other disciples are there too, about 500 of them,.
At Matthew 28:16, the alleged "faithful slave" changes the number of people whom Jesus invites, from 11 to over 500 - in order to "prove" that men, women, and children were commanded to preach.*
3/1 p. 141 par. 17 - “Some
call attention to the fact that when Jesus, for instance, gave the
famous missionary commission, as recorded in Matthew 28:19, only
the eleven apostles
were present, and they therefore contend it was given to the apostles
alone. But it is also understood
that “upward of five hundred brothers” were there also.”
(“understood” by whom - the WTBTS?)
w67 11/15 p. 692 par. 2 - Likely there were many more in the mountain than just the eleven faithful apostles. This may be the occasion to which the later apostle Paul refers, (or may not!)
8/15 p. 26 par. 20 - the
resurrected Jesus appeared to about
500 of
his disciples in a mountain in “Galilee of the nations. ”
5/1 p. 8 - AT SOME point Jesus makes arrangements for all 11
of his apostles to meet him at a mountain in Galilee. Other disciples
are apparently told about the meeting, and a
total of more than 500 people assemble.
10/1 p. 14 par. 4 - “Jesus
“appeared to upward of five hundred brothers at one time”
….Apparently this occurred at a mountain in
Galilee where his 11 apostles were also gathered.”
7/1 p. 15 par. 9 - Christ also appeared to a larger group,
“upward of five hundred brothers......this may
have been on the occasion described at Matt. 28:16-20, when Jesus
gave the command to make disciples. (or may not!)
7/15 p. 10 par. 3 - “Jesus’
11 faithful apostles...went to a mountain in Galilee to meet the
resurrected Christ!....“Upward of five hundred brothers” may
have been present on that occasion.” (or may not!)
11/15 p. 26 par. 2 - “Perhaps it was on
that occasion that he gave the command to take the Kingdom message to
“people of all the nations.””
chap. 137 p. 310 par. 1 - After Jesus’ resurrection, he
arranges for his 11 apostles to meet him at a mountain in
Galilee. Other disciples are there too, about 500 of them,
cf chap. 9 p. 94 - … may have been on the occasion described at Matthew 28:16-20 that the resurrected Jesus appeared to “upward of five hundred.”So hundreds may have been present when Jesus gave the commission to make disciples. (or may not!)
1:4,5,8,9,12,13) "While he was meeting with them, he ordered them:
(the 500?) “Do not leave Jerusalem, but keep
waiting for what the Father has promised, about which you heard from
me; will be baptized with holy spirit
not many days after this.” (the 500?)
8 But you will receive power when the holy spirit comes upon you, (the 500?) and you will be witnesses of me in Jerusalem, in all Ju·deʹa and Sa·marʹi·a, and to the most distant part of the earth.” (the 500?)
9 After he had said these things, while they were looking on, (the 500?) he was lifted up and a cloud caught him up from their sight.
12 Then they returned to Jerusalem (the 500?) from a mountain called the Mount of Olives, which is near Jerusalem, only a sabbath day’s journey away.
13 When they arrived, they went up into the upper room where they were staying. (the 500?)
* Was Jesus saying all of these things to hundreds of uninvited men, women, and children?
The Bible's detail on the subject once again disproves another of the org's asserted dogmas.
... are standing at trolleys every day - millions of hours every year - and never approach people with the "good news" - as per the instructions of the self-proclaimed "faithful slave" in the usa.. the forked tongue of the wt serpent speaks yet again:.
w16 may pp.
8-9 pars.
... are standing at trolleys every day - millions of hours every year - and never approach people with the "good news" - as per the instructions of the self-proclaimed "faithful slave" in the USA.
The forked tongue of the WT serpent speaks yet again:
w16 May pp. 8-9 pars. 1-3 “Go, . . . and Make Disciples of People of All the Nations” - “But how do we know that the work we do is in fulfilment of Jesus’ prophecy? Is it presumptuous on our part to think that we are the [only] ones who are doing this work?
2 Many religious groups feel that they are preaching the Gospel, or good news......How do these claims measure up when compared with what Jesus commanded his disciples to do?
3 Were Jesus’ disciples to be passive, waiting for people to come to them? Definitely not!” :) :) :)
"Apostates" couldn't make this up!
since i woke up and left i've been contacted by others i knew from my youth who've also left the cult.
also people around the world on facebook adding me out of the blue because we have mutual friends and they occasionally ask me stuff or share their story.. what i've noticed in the vast majority of cases, is that people are waking up not because of the arc or doctrine but apathy.
active jws are becoming less and less interested, less and less bothered.
Nice one P.E.
I feel that many JW's are so sick and tired of hearing the needle stuck on the org's broken record - it's coming soon, soon, soon, soon, soon, soon, soon, soon, soon, soon, soon, soon!!!!!!!!!